Statistics Norway

Registered distances covered by vehicles

4 Distances covered by vehicles, by type and age of vehicle. Average per vehicle. 2009. Kms
Type of vehicle Age of vehicle
Total 0-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-19 years 20-24 years 25 years or older
All vehicles 14 479 19 250 15 937 12 603 10 104 7 108 3 737
All passenger cars 13 606 17 722 15 132 12 377 10 096 7 180 3 548
Passenger cars 13 439 17 119 15 121 12 389 10 125 7 234 3 529
Taxis 60 513 65 331 45 037 25 401 19 751 17 863 15 759
Ambulances 33 172 48 775 24 568 6 107 4 871 2 665 3 517
Motor homes 11 112 16 512 10 380 8 030 6 285 4 743 4 519
All buses 29 020 53 148 38 223 20 476 13 740 9 140 6 878
Mini-buses 15 030 31 544 20 239 15 528 9 337 6 931 6 582
Buses and coaches 40 920 56 316 49 629 31 141 19 310 11 165 7 268
All vans and small lorries 15 790 18 890 17 190 13 018 9 790 6 473 5 249
Small lorries 13 829 23 154 16 505 11 362 7 196 5 262 5 471
Small combined vehicles 13 588 21 070 18 833 14 944 11 201 7 361 5 402
Large combined vehicles 11 331 20 185 16 221 12 776 8 911 6 562 5 446
Small vans 16 218 18 647 16 630 12 395 9 241 6 452 5 179
Large vans 17 055 19 318 20 188 13 340 8 771 5 937 4 836
All heavy lorries and road tractors 37 185 59 419 36 994 19 227 11 033 7 226 3 850
Lorries with gross vehicle weight of 12 tonnes or less 14 199 34 673 23 755 13 523 6 682 4 851 2 850
Lorries with gross vehicle weight over 12 tonnes 33 243 51 368 36 009 19 669 11 834 7 595 4 107
Road tractors 67 846 85 856 48 318 20 790 9 985 7 532 6 332
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols