Statistics Norway

Registered distances covered by vehicles

4 Distances covered by vehicles, by type and age of vehicle. Average per vehicle. 2008. Kms
Type of vehicle Age of vehicle
Total 0-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-19 years 20-24 years 25 years or older
All vehicles 14 762 19 666 15 965 12 841 10 163 7 283 3 731
All passenger cars 13 835 18 206 15 056 12 539 10 148 7 349 3 528
Passenger cars 13 653 17 605 15 028 12 547 10 181 7 392 3 507
Taxis 63 795 68 737 47 254 26 498 21 936 15 594 18 477
Ambulances 33 440 50 896 24 818 8 567 3 155 4 311 3 770
Motor homes 11 728 16 557 10 661 8 395 6 531 5 046 4 593
All buses 28 761 55 034 34 470 21 484 14 795 9 756 6 925
Mini-buses 16 069 31 687 20 264 16 253 9 828 7 527 6 677
Buses and coaches 42 091 59 176 50 398 34 323 21 324 11 599 7 253
All vans and small lorries 16 009 19 021 17 305 13 374 9 735 6 489 5 172
Small lorries 14 725 22 101 17 374 12 112 7 101 5 370 5 510
Small combined vehicles 14 112 21 367 18 656 15 179 10 978 7 326 5 331
Large combined vehicles 11 792 19 628 16 828 12 904 9 137 6 549 5 468
Small vans 16 424 18 750 16 619 12 644 9 267 6 544 5 010
Large vans 17 118 19 526 20 385 13 483 8 907 5 897 4 629
All heavy lorries and road tractors 39 177 61 168 40 284 21 829 11 878 8 347 4 216
Lorries with gross vehicle weight of 12 tonnes or less 14 422 31 608 23 966 14 277 8 028 5 808 3 151
Lorries with gross vehicle weight over 12 tonnes 34 976 52 591 39 178 22 374 12 725 8 826 4 553
Road tractors 71 744 89 085 54 357 24 080 10 093 7 667 6 112
Source: Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols