Statistics Norway

Immigrant population

2   Population 1 January 2004 and 2005 and changes in 2004, by immigrant category and country background
Country background Population 1 January 2004 Livebirths Deaths Excess of births Immigrations Emigrations Net migrations Increase in population1 Population 1 January 2005
Befolkningen, i alt 4 577 457 56 951     41 200 15 751 36 482 23 271 13 211 28 962 4 606 363
Without immigrant background 4 002 848 45 603 39 532 6 071 5 323 6 247 -924 5 147 4 007 543
With immigration background, total  574 609 11 348 1 668 9 680 31 159 17 024 14 135 23 815  598 820
First generation immigrants without Norwegian background  289 104 13 1 202 -1 189 28 155 14 127 14 028 12 839  301 045
Persons born in Norway with two foreign born parents 59 836 5 066 36 5 030  355 1 154 -799 4 231 63 936
Foreign born with one parent born in Norway 25 729 2 61 -59 1 047  448  599  540 26 468
Born in Norway with one foreign born parent  167 493 6 266  336 5 930  712 1 153 -441 5 489  173 741
Born abroad with both parents born in Norway2 32 447 1 33 -32  890  142  748  716 33 630
Immigrant population3  348 940 5 079 1 238 3 841 28 510 15 281 13 229 17 070  364 981
Non immigrant population 4 228 517 51 872 39 962 11 910 7 972 7 990 -18 11 892 4 241 382
Immigrant population by country background4                  
Total  348 940 5 079 1 238 3 841 28 510 15 281 13 229 17 070  364 981
Nordic countries 53 940  243  409 -166 4 495 4 817 -322 -488 53 201
Eastern Europe 56 339  744  177  567 6 163 1 673 4 490 5 057 61 342
Western Europe 35 906  233  220 13 3 592 2 353 1 239 1 252 36 960
Asia with Turkey  139 653 2 590  206 2 384 8 344 3 447 4 897 7 281  146 851
Afrika 40 488 1 153 56 1 097 3 918 1 686 2 232 3 329 43 794
South and Central America 13 158 96 32 64 1 017  511  506  570 13 657
North America 8 426 15  129 -114  756  638  118 4 8 092
Oceania 1 030 5 9 -4  225  156 69 65 1 084
Selected groups within the immigrant population                  
Pakistan 26 286  477 48  429  746  505  241  670 26 950
Sweden 22 871  105  149 -44 2 169 1 975  194  150 22 859
Denmark 19 318 58  194 -136 1 418 1 350 68 -68 19 197
Vietnam 17 414  283 26  257  334  145  189  446 17 864
Iraq 17 295  607 18  589 1 035  591  444 1 033 18 369
Somalia 15 586  579 19  560 1 264  682  582 1 142 16 765
Bosnia-Herzegovina 15 216  180 50  130  171  132 39  169 14 641
Iran 13 506  167 21  146  549  206  343  489 13 983
Turkey 12 971  222 12  210  547  234  313  523 13 504
Sri Lanka 11 918  296 14  282  387  302 85  367 12 288
Germany 11 232  102 87 15 1 378  687  691  706 11 879
Serbia and Montenegro 11 070  260 20  240  644  278  366  606 12 455
United Kingdom 10 945 45 64 -19  848  620  228  209 11 069
1  The population increase is different if you take the difference between 1.1. 2005 and 1.1.2004, or using births - deaths + immigration - emigration. This is due to data technical issues.
2  Foreign adopted persons are included here.
3  Sum of the categories 'First generation immigrants' and *Persons born in Norway with two foreign born parents'.
4  Due to changes in the variable country background, there can occur deviation for the population growth.

Explanation of symbols