Statistics Norway

9   Proportion of all enterprises with various security measures. 2003-2004. Per cent (Corrected 9 May 2005)
  2003 2004
All enterprises with 10+ employees    
Security measures    
Digital signature 10 6
Other methods for identification than digital signature, e.g. PIN code 13 10
Cryptation out of consideration to confidentiality 8 7
Physical access restriction to critical IT-equipment 31 36
Emergency electricity supply 38 36
Keeping back-up in other locality than the working premises 63 61
Server with secure connection (supported by safety protocols, e.g. SSL or SHTTP) 26 33
Fire walls 54 66
Virus control and protection software 81 85
Subscription to a security service (e.g. anti-virus software or software which warns about attacks 57 68
Constant IT safety education of employees 14 13
IT security policy approved by management : 23
Formally appointed person responsible for IT security : 28
Emergency plan updated during latest two years : 14
IT security guidance for all users, updated during latest two years : 12
Filtering of incoming e-mail (spam protection) : 44
Updated any safety precautions, e.g. anti-virus programs, during the latest three months 70 81

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