Statistics Norway

Use of ICT in municipalities

8   Share of municipalities which understand various barriers impact on the usage of ICT in general. 2002. Per cent
Barriers None Some Large Don't know/not relevant
Errors/defects in suplied software 15.1 56.4 20.4 8.2
Lacking flexibility of ICT suppliers 17.8 61.9 13.9 6.5
Lack of integration between applications 7.9 54.0 34.3 3.6
Lack of ICT qualified staff in the municipality 14.4 58.5 22.3 4.8
Difficult to recruit or retain ICT qualified staff 31.2 35.3 7.7 25.4
Opposition in the staff in use of ICT 38.9 51.1 3.6 6.5
Municipality lacks updated ICT strategy 32.6 47.5 13.2 6.7
Lack of engagement in the direction 36.9 46.0 11.8 5.0
ICT expenditure to high 20.9 53.0 21.1 4.8
Preamture introduction of new versions of existing software 29.3 51.8 10.1 8.6

Explanation of symbols