Statistics Norway

Income statistics for households. Different households

2 Registered incomes for households1 by type of household. Average in NOK. 2010
  All households Living alone, person under 30 years2 Living alone, person 30-44 years Living alone, person 45-66 years Living alone, person 67 years and over Couple3 without resident children, oldest person under 30 years Couple3 without resident children, oldest person 30-44 years Couple3 without resident children, oldest person 45-66 years Couple3 without resident children, oldest person 67 years and over Couples3 with children 0-5 years Couples3 with children 6-17 years Couples3 with children 18 years and older Mother/father with children 0-5 years Mother/father with children 6-17 years Mother/father with children 18 years and older
Income from work  449 300  235 000  324 900  257 000 12 500  559 700  735 500  643 400 91 100  711 900  910 600  904 700  167 400  350 800  428 500
Wages and salaries  418 200  228 700  307 400  238 600 10 700  544 600  701 500  592 800 78 700  666 500  841 400  831 800  160 600  333 900  399 600
Net income from self-employment 31 100 6 400 17 500 18 400 1 800 15 100 34 100 50 600 12 400 45 400 69 200 72 900 6 800 16 900 28 900
Property income 29 600 3 700 9 800 21 200 18 400 10 500 20 400 52 000 42 300 31 900 51 200 55 400 5 600 14 300 23 800
Interest received 8 500 1 600 2 600 6 400 10 300 3 800 5 200 14 000 20 100 5 400 8 500 13 800 1 800 3 600 8 600
Share dividends received 13 900 1 300 4 300 8 100 4 600 4 400 10 000 24 700 11 300 18 900 32 200 27 700 3 400 7 100 8 700
Realised capital gains 7 100  600 3 200 6 900 3 200 1 600 4 800 12 600 11 500 7 800 10 200 12 600 1 200 3 600 6 600
Realised capital losses 3 900  400 1 800 3 100 1 600 1 100 3 100 7 000 7 000 4 100 6 100 6 700 1 600 1 800 3 200
Other capital incomes 4 100  700 1 600 2 800 1 900 1 700 3 500 7 700 6 400 3 800 6 400 8 000  800 1 800 3 100
Transfers received  163 900 35 900 59 600  114 500  240 800 44 200 63 400  174 500  452 000  153 700  110 600  179 800  188 800  127 000  171 500
Taxable transfers  147 200 25 700 50 700  107 700  237 300 30 400 56 500  171 500  450 000  115 600 76 800  169 000  112 300 71 600  155 300
Social security benefits 91 100 13 100 30 500 69 500  185 300 10 200 26 000 84 800  334 900 20 000 38 600  102 100 70 800 43 200  106 400
Old-age pensions 50 200 0 0 0  182 700 0 0 0  311 200  100  700 30 900 0  100 39 400
Disability pension4 39 200 13 100 31 300 66 300 2 300 10 300 26 600 85 000 23 200 18 600 38 300 71 800 20 600 35 700 62 900
Service pensions etc 22 000  200  600 14 500 49 700  200  700 33 300 95 200 1 200 5 500 21 800  900 4 100 18 300
Contractual pension (AFP) 4 900 0 0 6 000 1 000 0 0 21 700 14 100 0  300 6 400 0  100 2 300
Unemployment benefits 5 300 4 800 7 400 4 200  100 6 800 9 400 4 900  800 8 700 6 300 9 000 4 700 4 400 7 700
Sickness benefits5 15 700 5 300 10 100 12 400  300 11 400 18 100 25 200 3 300 28 400 24 300 27 800 14 700 17 700 18 400
Other taxable transfers6 8 200 2 300 2 000 1 200  900 1 800 2 300 1 600 1 600 57 200 1 800 1 900 21 200 2 100 2 300
Tax-free transfers 16 700 10 100 8 900 6 800 3 500 13 800 6 800 3 000 2 100 38 100 33 800 10 800 76 600 55 400 16 100
Familiy allowances 6 700  100 1 000  300 0  100  400  100 0 21 900 21 400 1 100 26 300 24 800 1 700
Dwelling support 1 400 1 700 2 100 2 200 2 200  600  700  200  100  900  500  300 9 200 3 200 1 400
Scholarships 2 000 3 200  200 0 0 9 600 2 100 0 0 2 500 4 300 4 500 3 300 5 800 4 800
Social assistance 2 000 3 700 4 000 2 400  100 1 900 1 900  500 0 2 200 1 200 1 300 9 700 4 100 3 400
Basic and attendance benefits 1 500  500  700 1 100 1 200  400  500 1 000 1 500 1 600 3 100 1 800 1 500 3 100 1 800
Cash for care  600 0  200 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 600 0 0 4 300 0 0
Other tax-free transfers7 2 500  900  700  900  100 1 200 1 200 1 200  500 4 400 3 400 1 900 22 200 14 400 3 000
Total income  642 800  274 500  394 300  392 600  271 700  614 500  819 300  869 900  585 400  897 500 1 072 400 1 139 900  361 800  492 100  623 800
Assessed taxes and negative transfers  165 200 63 400  105 100  101 800 46 600  146 600  224 800  247 200  124 000  235 400  305 100  311 000 49 700  104 000  148 100
Assessed taxes  161 200 62 100  101 000 98 200 46 500  143 700  218 300  241 400  123 300  228 900  297 800  304 000 47 700  100 300  143 900
Negative transfers8 4 100 1 300 4 100 3 600  100 3 000 6 400 5 800  700 6 500 7 300 7 000 2 000 3 800 4 100
After-tax income  477 600  211 200  289 200  290 800  225 100  467 800  594 600  622 700  461 500  662 100  767 300  828 900  312 100  388 100  475 700
Number of households 2 172 063  162 705  182 889  267 707  238 759 39 212 52 702  236 227  178 622  230 967  250 966 94 991 29 107 85 679 48 785
1  Students not included.
2  Private households consisting of single persons living alone under the age of 18 are not included in the data. Most of these persons are probably wrongly classified due to errors in input data. Some may be persons 0-18 years living with adults other than their parents, for instance foster childs and persons living in orphan homes.
3  Married couples, cohabiting couples and registered partners.
4  Disability benefits includes permanent disability pension, preliminary disability benefits, time limited disability benefits and means-tested child supplement for receivers of time limited disability benefits (from 2007). Work Assesment Allowance comprises as of 1 March 2010 time-limited disability, vocational rehabilitation and rehabilitation benefits.
5  Sickness benefits from the National Insurance Scheme. Holiday payments from sickness benefits are included.
6  Other taxable transfers include benefits such as parental benefit, annuity, introduction benefits for newly arrived refugees and qualification benefit (from 2008).
7  Other tax-free transfers include benefits such as childcare benefit to single parents, lump sum maternity grants, compensation for work injury, education benefit to single parents and received child support managed by public arrangement. Various benefits received by people attending job creating programs are included from 2009.
8  Negative transfers include paid child support managed by public arrangement, paid annuity and mandatory contribution to private pension plan.
Source: Income statistics for households.

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