Statistics Norway

Income statistics for households

2 Income account for households, by type of household1. Average per household. 2006. NOK
  All households Living alone, person under 30 years2 Living alone, person 30-44 years Living alone, person 45-66 years Living alone, person 67 years and over Couple3 without resident children, oldest person under 30 years Couple3 without resident children, oldest person 30-44 years Couple3 without resident children, oldest person 45-66 years Couple3 without resident children, oldest person 67 years and over Couples3 with children 0-5 years Couples3 with children 6-17 years Couples3 with children 18 years and older Mother/father with children 0-5 years Mother/father with children 6-17 years Mother/father with children 18 years and older Two or more-familiy households
Income from work  388 500  211 400  297 200  222 300 7 000  490 400  647 000  547 600 59 000  646 700  750 000  754 600  151 800  292 400  362 900  505 000
+ Employee income  358 300  205 000  275 400  203 800 5 400  475 900  612 700  499 500 50 700  600 900  685 600  686 400  145 900  276 800  335 000  460 300
+ Net income from self-employment 30 200 6 400 21 800 18 600 1 600 14 500 34 200 48 100 8 300 45 700 64 400 68 200 5 900 15 600 27 900 44 700
+ Property income 24 900 3 500 9 600 18 400 15 900 6 500 18 600 46 400 38 900 25 200 37 700 44 400 4 300 10 400 18 600 27 900
+ Interest received 6 800 1 100 2 200 5 300 7 300 2 500 4 300 11 700 14 100 4 900 7 600 11 100 1 400 2 700 6 900 8 600
+ Share dividend received 3 600  400 1 400 2 400 1 500  700 3 300 6 600 4 700 4 600 6 800 6 000  500 1 500 2 200 3 200
+ Realised capital gains 12 200 1 700 5 700 9 400 6 000 2 900 9 100 23 200 16 700 13 000 20 300 21 800 1 800 4 800 8 300 13 300
- Realised capital losses 2 700  300 1 700 2 100  800  800 1 900 4 500 2 900 3 200 5 700 3 900  500 1 000 2 200 2 900
+ Other property income 5 000  600 2 000 3 500 1 900 1 200 3 800 9 500 6 300 5 900 8 800 9 400 1 100 2 400 3 300 5 900
+ Transfers  114 300 22 300 38 000 83 900  188 400 24 100 34 100  115 100  355 800 66 900 73 300  119 300  145 600  100 200  126 900  189 300
+ Taxable transfers 97 700 13 000 30 500 78 200  184 700 11 700 28 300  112 600  353 700 24 900 40 100  110 300 67 400 43 700  113 000  159 700
+ Social security benefits 73 000 9 700 25 600 58 500  144 300 7 500 21 600 69 200  266 100 16 900 31 100 82 700 62 000 36 500 90 300  125 800
+ Service pensions etc. 20 900  300  800 17 000 39 200  200  800 39 800 85 300 1 100 4 900 22 000 1 000 3 800 17 700 26 100
+ Unemployment benefit 2 900 2 200 3 500 2 100  100 3 400 5 200 2 800  600 5 700 3 500 4 800 3 300 2 800 4 100 5 900
+ Other taxable transfers  900  800  600  500 1 100  600  700  700 1 700 1 100  600  700 1 200  600  800 1 800
+ Tax-free transfers 16 700 9 400 7 500 5 800 3 700 12 400 5 800 2 600 2 100 42 000 33 100 9 100 78 200 56 600 14 000 29 600
+ Child allowances 6 900  100  500  200 0  100  400  100 0 22 400 21 700 1 000 28 200 25 600 1 600 9 900
+ Dwelling support 1 000  700 1 200 1 500 2 400  100  300  100  100  700  300  100 6 900 2 600  900 1 200
+ Student grants 2 000 4 000  200 0 0 9 400 2 100 0 0 2 500 3 900 4 100 3 800 5 500 4 300 5 200
+ Social assistance 2 100 4 000 4 700 2 500  100 2 100 2 200  400  100 2 200 1 400 1 500 6 900 4 300 3 900 4 100
+ Basic and attendance benefit 1 400  400  700 1 100 1 200  300  500 1 000 1 500 1 600 2 800 1 700 1 700 2 900 1 800 2 700
+ Cash for care 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 600 0 0 6 900 0 0 2 100
+ Lump sum maternity grant  200 0 0 0 0  200  100 0 0 1 300 0 0 2 000 0 0  800
+ Other tax-free transfers 1 900  100  200  400 0  200  200  800  400 2 600 3 000  700 21 700 15 600 1 500 3 600
= Total income  527 700  237 200  344 700  324 700  211 300  521 000  699 700  709 100  453 600  738 700  860 900  918 300  301 700  403 100  508 500  722 200
- Total assessed taxes and negative transfers  134 900 54 800 94 600 85 000 35 100  124 300  194 000  201 700 95 800  190 100  239 600  248 400 36 000 79 700  120 000  167 000
+ Assessed taxes  131 400 53 700 90 500 81 800 35 000  121 800  188 000  197 000 95 300  184 700  233 500  242 800 34 500 76 700  116 600  162 100
+ Negative transfers 3 500 1 100 4 100 3 200  100 2 500 6 100 4 700  500 5 400 6 100 5 500 1 500 3 000 3 400 4 900
= After-tax income  392 800  182 400  250 200  239 700  176 300  396 700  505 600  507 400  357 800  548 600  621 300  669 900  265 700  323 400  388 500  555 200
- Interest payments and housing income 30 400 13 200 24 500 18 600 4 800 36 700 53 300 32 500 10 000 59 700 53 800 43 100 21 000 31 400 26 900 43 000
+ Interest payments 30 600 13 300 24 600 18 700 4 900 36 900 53 500 32 700 10 200 59 800 53 900 43 300 21 100 31 500 27 100 43 200
- Imputed rent (tax-value)  200  100  100  200  200  100  200  200  200  100  200  200  100  100  200  200
= After-tax income and interest payments/imputed rent (tax-value)  362 400  169 200  225 600  221 100  171 500  360 000  452 400  474 900  347 800  488 900  567 600  626 800  244 700  292 000  361 600  512 200
Number of households 2 051 473  151 932  171 351  235 592  236 872 35 334 49 208  234 414  162 431  223 117  248 897 89 090 26 805 82 193 42 942 61 295
1  Students not included.
2  Private households consisting of single persons living alone under the age of 18 are not included in the data. Most of these persons are probably wrongly classified due to errors in input data. Some may be persons 0-18 years living with adults other than their parents, for instance foster childs and persons living in orphan homes.
3  Married couples, cohabiting couples and registered partners.

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