Statistics Norway

Income statistics for households

7   Composition of total household income within decile groups for household equivalent income after taxes1, between persons. (EU-scale). Share of total income. 2005. Per cent
Decile group Employee income Net income from self-employment Property income Transfers Total income Total assessed taxes Negative transfers After-tax income
1 41 4 -5 60  100 13 1 92
2 42 5 1 52  100 15 1 85
3 55 5 1 39  100 18 1 81
4 66 5 1 29  100 20 1 79
5 72 4 1 22  100 22 1 77
6 76 5 1 18  100 23 1 76
7 79 5 2 15  100 24 1 75
8 80 5 2 12  100 26 1 73
9 81 7 3 9  100 28 1 71
10 43 12 41 4  100 23 0 77
All 63 7 13 16  100 23 1 76
1  Negative amounts have been set to zero.

Explanation of symbols