Statistics Norway

Income and property statistics for households

3   Property account for households, by type of household. Average per household. 2004. NOK
  All households Of which
  Single Couples without children Couples with children 0-6 years Couples with children 7-19 years Mother/father with children 0-19 years Households with adult children
1. Total real capital  299 200      140 900  405 600  376 200  541 800  191 300  489 900
Real properties  229 400  118 300  308 200  275 300  395 100  159 800  363 100
Other production capital 16 700 5 200 17 400 28 500 41 300 5 800 40 900
Other consumer capital 53 000 17 400 80 100 72 400  105 500 25 800 85 800
2. Gross financial capital  430 500  220 000  715 800  354 900  618 500  207 400  797 900
Bank deposits  236 800  156 600  394 300  153 600  248 300 84 700  486 900
Share of unit trusts 22 700 11 100 38 800 19 000 33 800 9 900 41 100
Bonds and money market of unit trusts 7 900 5 100 13 300 4 800 10 600 1 600 11 400
Foreign taxable property 7 500 1 000 8 000 32 800 9 200  300 5 800
Securities registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 33 000 14 900 61 100 31 200 53 300 6 000 32 400
Other securities not registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 63 900 11 200  102 800 68 000  161 500 68 200 81 700
Other claims 58 700 20 200 97 600 45 600  101 800 36 700  138 700
3. Liabilities  596 300  295 300  552 500 1 207 400 1 086 100  617 100  644 200
Of which student loan 36 000 29 400 31 600 74 200 25 700 31 500 43 200
4. Net financial capital (2-3) -165 800 -75 300  163 400 -852 500 -467 600 -409 600  153 700
5. Net property (1+4)  133 400 65 600  569 000 -476 200 74 300 -218 400  643 500
6. Correction for negative net property  310 200  170 300  241 700  729 000  492 300  377 500  256 200
7. Property  443 500  235 900  810 700  252 800  565 700  159 200  899 700
8. Total property taxes 3 900 1 900 7 500 2 300 5 300 1 400 8 100
Property taxes by municipality tax assessment 2 700 1 300 5 100 1 500 3 500  900 5 500
Property taxes by central government tax assessment 1 300  500 2 400  700 1 700  500 2 600
Household percentage  100.0 40.5 24.7 11.6 11.3 5.9 3.9
Number of observations 13 131 3 083 3 803 1 919 2 433  634  827

Explanation of symbols