Statistics Norway

Income and property statistics for households

1   Income account for households, by type of household. Average per household. 2004. NOK
  All households Of which
  Single Couples without children Couples with children 0-6 years Couples with children 7-19 years Mother/father with children 0-19 years Households with adult children
Salary  331 700      143 600  353 000  578 600  672 500  220 700  530 700
+Wages and salaries  302 800  131 700  322 600  534 600  606 000  210 400  471 700
+Net entrepreneurial income 28 800 11 900 30 300 44 100 66 500 10 300 59 000
+Property income 40 600 10 700 74 700 57 500 65 000 13 100 63 300
+Interest received 4 500 2 700 7 700 2 800 4 800 1 700 10 600
+Share dividends received 29 200 4 600 57 600 42 400 48 900 12 100 43 800
+Realised capital gains 5 900 3 300 8 700 11 400 7 300  600 4 300
-Realised capital losses 3 000 1 400 5 200 3 800 4 100 2 400 2 000
+Other property income 3 900 1 400 6 000 4 600 8 200 1 100 6 600
+Transfers received  105 700 85 200  160 400 70 800 71 400  112 200  138 800
+Taxable transfers 87 700 76 900  155 900 25 500 39 900 50 500  130 200
+Social security benefits 64 000 59 900  108 000 14 600 28 500 41 100 98 800
+Service pension 18 300 13 700 43 000 1 200 5 100 4 300 20 100
+Unemployment benefit 5 000 3 000 4 200 9 400 6 000 5 000 11 000
+Other taxable transfers  400  300  700  300  300  100  300
+Tax-free transfers 18 000 8 300 4 500 45 400 31 500 61 700 8 500
+Family (children's) allowances 6 600  100  200 23 000 19 600 24 900  300
+Dwelling rent supports  800 1 300  100  600  300 3 000  200
+Scholarships 3 000 2 900 1 900 2 900 4 100 5 200 2 700
+Social assistance 2 400 3 000  700 3 000 1 400 5 200 2 100
+Cash benefits 1 400 0 0 9 900 0 2 700 0
+Other taxfree transfers1 3 700 1 000 1 700 6 000 6 200 20 700 3 300
=Total household income  478 000  239 500  588 100  707 000  809 000  346 000  732 800
-Total assessed taxes and negative transfers  118 700 56 300  146 300  175 600  222 200 61 400  190 100
+Assessed taxes  115 300 54 200  143 100  170 600  216 200 57 900  186 000
+Negative transfers2 3 400 2 100 3 200 5 000 6 000 3 400 4 100
=After tax income  359 300  183 200  441 800  531 400  586 800  284 600  542 700
-Interest payment and housing income 20 800 10 100 16 800 46 500 37 900 24 300 22 500
+Interest paid 24 200 11 600 21 600 50 400 43 900 26 700 27 700
-Imputed rent own dwelling/second home 3 400 1 600 4 800 4 000 6 000 2 400 5 200
=Income after tax and interest payments  338 500  173 100  425 000  484 900  548 900  260 300  520 200
Percentage of households  100.0 40.5 24.7 11.6 11.3 5.9 3.9
Number of observations 13 131 3 083 3 803 1 919 2 433  634  827
1  Other transfers comprise taxfree transfers like basic and attendance benefit, maternity grant, childcare benefit, education benefit and alimonies administered by the National Insurance Administration.
2  Negative transfers contain maintenance payments (administered by the National Insurance) and contribution to private and public pension schemes (jobrelated).

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