Statistics Norway

Income and property statistics for households

3   Property account for households, by type of household. Average per household. 2003. NOK
  All households Of which
  Single Couples without children Couples with children 0-6 years Couples with children 7-19 years Mother/father with children 0-19 years Households with adult children
1. Total real capital  289 700       132 400       413 600  385 100  521 000  194 300  466 900
Real properties  225 200  109 900  320 800  287 500  388 000  163 500  354 300
Other production capital 15 400 5 800 15 800 27 200 35 300 6 500 34 600
Other consumer capital 49 100 16 700 77 000 70 300 97 700 24 300 78 000
2. Gross financial capital  391 400  205 800  711 400  294 500  574 000  128 400  699 700
Bank deposits  215 800  146 900  372 100  144 200  233 500 87 500  395 400
Share of unit trusts 18 600 11 000 30 400 15 900 28 400 7 400 27 600
Bonds and money market of unit trusts 8 000 5 500 14 200 5 500 8 400 2 200 9 900
Foreign taxable property 5 100 2 300 10 000 3 600 9 500  500 7 300
Securities registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 27 700 11 800 55 200 22 600 43 600 7 200 41 500
Other securities not registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 62 800 7 900  126 200 63 100  159 200 9 400  111 400
Other claims 53 400 20 400  103 200 39 600 91 400 14 100  106 700
3. Liabilities  536 100  265 500  491 300 1 119 000  969 500  540 900  696 200
Of which student loan 33 900 28 100 25 200 71 900 25 600 28 900 48 200
4. Net financial capital (2-3) -144 700 -59 700  220 100 -824 400 -395 500 -412 500 3 600
5. Net property (1+4)  145 000 72 700  633 700 -439 300  125 500 -218 300  470 400
6. Correction for negative net property  272 700  151 200  198 500  654 500  429 500  323 400  307 900
7. Property  417 700  223 900  832 200  215 200  555 000  105 100  778 300
8. Total property taxes 3 700 1 700 7 700 1 800 5 100  800 6 800
Property taxes by municipality tax assessment 2 500 1 200 5 200 1 300 3 400  600 4 600
Property taxes by central government tax assessment 1 200  500 2 500  600 1 700  200 2 100
Household percentage  100.0 42.4 22.5 11.7 11.0 6.3 4.5
Number of observations 16 930 4 172 4 389 2 592 3 194  910 1 275

Explanation of symbols