Statistics Norway

Income and property statistics for households

1   Income account for households, by type of household. Average per household. 2002. NOK
  All households Of which
  Single Couples without children Couples with children 0-6 years Couples with children 7-19 years Mother/father with children 0-19 years Households with adult children
Salary  316 800  136 100  333 900  553 100  657 400  221 200  536 400
+Wages and salaries  287 900  130 400  304 200  504 300  573 600  209 900  464 800
+Net entrepreneurial income 28 800 5 700 29 700 48 800 83 700 11 300 71 600
+Property income 33 500 11 000 56 700 27 300 79 200 8 500 60 900
+Interest received 12 200 8 100 20 800 7 700 14 000 3 900 21 200
+Share dividends received 20 100 3 100 34 100 19 300 61 100 4 700 34 300
+ Realised capital gains 2 900 1 000 4 600 3 700 7 700  400 2 200
- Realised capital losses 5 700 3 000 8 900 7 000 10 200 1 400 5 000
+Other property income 4 000 1 700 6 200 3 700 6 600 1 000 8 300
+Transfers received 94 500 77 300  142 500 69 900 62 400  108 900  113 500
+Taxable transfers 78 400 69 900  138 900 24 900 35 200 61 300  104 200
+Social security benefits 56 500 54 200 98 500 13 100 23 100 33 600 80 100
+Service pension 15 600 12 600 36 500 1 400 4 800 3 400 16 000
+ Unemployment benefit 3 900 2 600 3 300 7 300 4 200 4 100 7 800
+Alimonies 2 300  400  600 3 100 3 100 20 200  300
+Tax-free transfers 16 100 7 400 3 600 45 000 27 200 47 600 9 300
+Family (children's) allowances 7 100  200  100 26 600 19 100 25 100  100
+Dwelling rent supports  800 1 200  100  400  200 3 000  400
+Scholarships 2 300 1 900 1 200 2 100 3 900 3 700 3 700
+Social assistance 2 300 3 000  600 2 300 1 200 5 500 2 600
+Cash benefits 1 400 0 0 9 800 0 2 500 0
+Other transfers1 2 300 1 100 1 600 3 700 2 900 7 900 2 400
=Total household income  444 700  224 400  533 100  650 300  799 000  338 600  710 800
-Total assessed taxes and negative transfers  111 200 53 200  136 500  164 100  213 300 63 600  182 800
+Assessed taxes  107 300 50 200  133 200  158 300  207 100 59 900  177 600
+Negative transfers2 3 900 3 000 3 300 5 800 6 100 3 700 5 100
=After tax income  333 500  171 200  396 600  486 200  585 700  275 000  528 100
-Interest payment and housing income 31 200 14 300 26 400 70 600 58 500 32 200 37 800
+Interest paid 34 900 16 000 31 600 75 200 65 000 34 900 43 400
-Imputed rent own dwelling/second home 3 700 1 800 5 200 4 700 6 500 2 700 5 600
=Income after tax and interest payments  302 300  157 000  370 200  415 600  527 200  242 800  490 300
Percentage of households  100.0 41.3 23.1 11.9 11.1 6.2 4.3
Number of observations 22 870 5 393 6 296 3 433 4 276 1 108 1 712
1  Other transfers comprise taxfree transfers like basic and attendance benefit, maternity grant, childcare benefit and education benefit.
2  Negative transfers contains maintenance and contribution to private and public pension schemes (jobrelated).

Explanation of symbols