Income and property statistics for households

11   Property account for households, by type of household. Average per household. 2001. Kroner
  All households One-family households Multi family households
  Single Couples without children Couples with children 0-6 years Couples with children 7-19 years Mother/father with children 0-19 years Households with adult children
1. Total real capital  295 000    138 600  396 200  380 800  540 700  191 300  519 400  336 400
Real properties  231 000  115 400  308 600  288 400  412 800  163 400  389 800  256 800
Other production capital 15 200 5 500 15 400 22 300 36 200 6 800 39 400 25 000
Other consumer capital 48 800 17 600 72 300 70 000 91 700 21 100 90 200 54 600
2. Gross financial capital  362 900  212 900  596 600  304 300  530 500  112 800  622 100  393 000
Bank deposits  187 300  137 000  308 200  128 400  195 500 65 900  317 800  209 900
Share of unit trusts 20 800 12 000 35 400 17 400 28 600 8 000 35 100 21 000
Bonds and money market of unit trusts 10 000 6 000 22 400 4 700 6 400 2 400 14 100 14 300
Foreign taxable property1 6 500 2 000 12 800 11 200 7 800 1 000 10 900 2 500
Securities registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 23 100 12 600 41 100 23 500 27 500 5 900 37 900 25 000
Other securities not registered in Verdipapirsentralen (VPS) 77 400 29 000  110 100 82 700  207 600 15 200  125 400 58 100
Other claims 37 800 14 500 66 600 36 200 57 000 14 400 80 900 62 200
3. Liabilities  458 500  221 100  409 500  958 200  827 400  456 500  614 700  593 400
Of which student loan 34 300 24 700 26 600 71 300 28 800 28 000 66 800 62 900
4. Net financial capital (2-3) -95 600 -8 100  187 100 -653 900 -297 000 -343 700 7 400 -200 500
5. Net property (1+4)  199 400  130 400  583 400 -273 100  243 700 -152 400  526 900  135 900
6. Correction for negative net property  212 200  114 500  162 200  513 900  311 100  251 900  230 900  297 000
7. Property  411 700  244 900  745 600  240 700  554 800 99 500  757 700  432 900
8. Total property taxes 3 500 1 900 6 700 2 100 5 000  700 6 500 3 500
Property taxes by municipality tax assessment 2 400 1 300 4 600 1 400 3 400  500 4 500 2 400
Property taxes by central government tax assessment 1 100  600 2 100  700 1 600  200 2 000 1 100
Household percentage  100.0 41.7 22.7 12.0 10.7 5.7 4.8 2.4
Number of observations 28 379 8 017 7 077 4 299 4 249 1 279 2 236 1 222
1  The figures were corrected 15.05.2003 at 1450 p.m.

Explanation of symbols