Income and property statistics for households

1   Income account for households, by type of household. Average per household. 2001. Kroner
  All households One-family households Multi family households
  Single Couples without children Couples with children 0-6 years Couples with children 7-19 years Mother/father with children 0-19 years Households with adult children
Salary  305 900     132 600  318 700  523 100  627 900  213 000  547 000  417 800
+Wages and salaries  278 400  123 500  290 400  485 700  554 300  197 900  483 800  375 600
+Net entrepreneurial income 27 500 9 100 28 400 37 400 73 600 15 000 63 200 42 200
+Property income 21 100 10 900 36 500 18 800 29 100 7 800 42 200 20 900
+Interest received 11 700 8 100 20 400 7 800 11 800 3 700 20 100 13 300
+Share dividends received 6 100 1 700 9 900 7 000 14 100 3 300 10 800 3 200
+ Realised capital gains 4 400 1 500 9 000 5 000 3 700  700 11 100 3 500
- Realised capital losses 4 500 1 900 8 300 5 700 6 500  900 7 000 2 800
+Other property income 3 500 1 400 5 400 4 700 5 900 1 000 7 100 3 800
+Transfers received 88 500 72 800  131 600 66 200 59 100  108 400  101 800  122 900
+Taxable transfers 72 300 65 800  128 000 21 500 30 200 59 800 89 500 98 500
+Social security benefits 52 300 51 200 91 600 11 100 19 400 31 400 67 100 71 200
+Service pension 14 700 12 500 33 200 1 400 4 000 3 600 16 400 15 800
+ Unemployment benefit 3 100 1 800 2 500 6 000 4 000 3 300 5 600 7 300
+Alimonies 2 300  300  600 3 000 2 800 21 500  300 4 200
+Tax-free transfers 16 200 7 000 3 600 44 700 28 900 48 600 12 300 24 400
+Family (children's) allowances 7 100  200  100 26 600 19 600 26 600  200 7 800
+Dwelling rent supports  900 1 400  100  400  300 3 000  400  700
+Scholarships 2 400 2 000  900 1 800 4 300 3 400 6 900 6 800
+Social assistance 1 900 2 300  600 2 000 1 300 4 300 2 500 3 900
+Cash benefits 1 400 0 0 10 300 0 2 400 0 1 500
+Other transfers1, 3 2 400 1 200 1 800 3 600 3 300 9 000 2 300 3 700
=Total household income  415 500  216 200  486 800  608 000  716 000  329 100  691 000  561 600
-Total assessed taxes and negative transfers  108 300 52 500  132 900  156 200  203 400 59 900  188 800  139 000
+Assessed taxes  104 500 49 800  129 700  150 400  197 600 56 300  183 800  132 600
+Negative transfers2 3 800 2 800 3 200 5 800 5 800 3 600 5 000 6 300
=After tax income  307 200  163 700  353 900  451 900  512 600  269 200  502 200  422 700
-Interest payment and housing income 28 700 13 100 23 800 64 300 53 800 29 500 36 100 37 500
+Interest paid 32 800 15 200 29 400 69 500 61 000 32 600 42 600 41 800
-Imputed rent own dwelling/second home 4 100 2 100 5 600 5 200 7 200 3 100 6 500 4 400
=Income after tax and interest payments  278 500  150 600  330 100  387 500  458 700  239 700  466 000  385 200
Percentage of households 100 41.7 22.7 12 10.7 5.7 4.8 2.4
Number of observations 28 379 8 017 7 077 4 299 4 249 1 279 2 236 1 222
1  Other transfers comprise taxfree transfers like basic and attendance benefit, maternity grant, childcare benefit and education benefit.
2  Negative transfers contains maintenance and contribution to private and public pension schemes (jobrelated).
3  The figures were corrected 15.05.2003 at 1450 p.m.

Explanation of symbols