Statistics Norway

Income statistics for households. Wealth and debt

1 Property account for households1. 2009 and 2010. NOK million, share of households that have amount on the different property items and average amount
  2009 2010
  NOK million Share of households with
different property codes
Average NOK million Share of households with
different property codes
Taxable real capital 1 052 444 82.2  594 700 1 386 355 82.1  777 100
Real properties  875 546 75.2  541 200 1 204 427 75.3  736 800
Production capital and other properties 37 626 5.9  296 200 38 040 5.8  303 400
House contents and movables  139 272 56.9  113 700  143 887 56.2  117 800
Taxable gross financial capital 1 555 075 98.7  732 300 1 658 584 98.7  773 900
Bank deposits  688 445 98.5  324 600  727 679 98.6  339 900
Share of unit trusts, bond and money market funds 92 191 35.0  122 500  106 498 34.4  142 500
Foreign taxable wealth 35 504 5.8  286 900 42 479 5.7  345 100
Shares and other securities  570 139 21.7 1 218 300  615 098 21.8 1 296 600
Taxable gross wealth 2 607 519 98.8 1 226 000 3 044 938 98.8 1 418 600
Debt 2 021 197 83.2 1 129 000 2 153 710 83.1 1 193 400
Study debt 83 586 23.0  168 700 87 388 23.1  173 900
Taxable net wealth  586 322 99.5  273 900  891 228 99.4  412 600
Positive net wealth 1 555 340 50.0 1 444 100 1 789 176 52.3 1 573 700
Negative net wealth -969 018 49.4 -911 100 -897 948 47.1 -877 700
Property taxes 11 535 23.2 23 100 11 755 19.1 28 400
Number of households 2 152 031  100.0   2 172 063  100.0  
1  Students not included.

Explanation of symbols