Statistics Norway

Income statistics for households. Wealth and debt

2 Households1 by size of debt and type of household. 2009. Per cent
  No debt Debt
  1 - 249 999 NOK 250 000 -
499 999 NOK
500 000 -
749 999 NOK
750 000 -
999 999 NOK
1 000 000 -
1 999 999 NOK
2 000 000 -
2 999 999 NOK
3 000 000 -
3 999 999 NOK
4 000 000
NOK and more
All households 17 24 10 7 7 21 9 3 2  100
Living alone, person under 30 years 25 41 9 2 3 17 3 0 0  100
Living alone, person 30-44 years 17 28 11 7 7 23 5 1 1  100
Living alone, person 45-66 years 18 33 14 11 8 13 3 1 1  100
Living alone, person 67 years and older 52 29 9 5 2 2 0 0 0  100
Couples without resident children, oldest person under 30 years 6 19 10 6 3 31 19 4 2  100
Couples without resident children, oldest person 30-44 years 4 11 7 6 6 32 22 7 5  100
Couples without resident children, oldest person 45-66 years 8 24 13 11 9 22 8 3 3  100
Couples without resident children, oldest person 67 years and older 36 34 11 7 4 7 2 1 1  100
Couples with children 0-5 years 3 8 4 4 5 36 25 8 6  100
Couples with children 6-17 years 2 9 7 8 9 36 17 6 5  100
Couples with children 18 years and older 3 15 11 11 10 28 12 5 5  100
Single mother/father with children 0-5 years 14 40 8 4 6 22 5 1 1  100
Single mother/father with children 6-17 years 6 22 10 10 11 32 7 2 1  100
Single mother/father with children 18 years and older 8 24 14 12 10 22 5 2 1  100
Two or more-familiy households 9 18 10 8 7 25 12 5 5  100
Number of households  361 837  509 317  213 921  160 051  141 594  458 978  191 584 62 910 51 839 2 152 031
1  Students not included.

Explanation of symbols