Statistics Norway

Income statistics for households. Wealth and debt

3 Households1 by size of taxable financial capital and type of household. 2007. Per cent
  Total Taxable financial capital
  Less than 50 000 NOK 50 000-99 999 NOK 100 000-199 999 NOK 200 000-299 999 NOK 300 000-399 999 NOK 400 000-499 999 NOK 500 000-749 999 NOK 750 000- 000 000 NOK 1 000 000 NOK and over
All households  100 30 12 15 9 6 4 7 4 12
Living alone, person under 30 years  100 65 15 11 4 2 1 1 0 1
Living alone, person 30-44 years  100 56 13 12 6 3 2 3 2 3
Living alone, person 45-66 years  100 42 12 13 7 5 4 6 3 9
Living alone, person 67 years and older  100 18 11 17 12 9 6 10 6 12
Couples without resident children, oldest person under 30 years  100 33 19 21 11 6 3 4 1 2
Couples without resident children, oldest person 30-44 years  100 27 15 19 11 7 5 7 3 6
Couples without resident children, oldest person 45-66 years  100 15 9 14 10 8 6 11 7 22
Couples without resident children, oldest person 67 years and older  100 7 6 12 10 9 7 14 9 26
Couples with children 0-5 years  100 27 16 19 10 6 4 6 3 8
Couples with children 6-17 years  100 19 14 18 11 7 5 8 4 14
Couples with children 18 years and older  100 13 10 14 10 8 6 11 7 22
Single mother/father with children 0-5 years  100 68 13 9 4 2 1 1 1 2
Single mother/father with children 6-17 years  100 47 17 14 7 4 2 3 2 4
Single mother/father with children 18 years and older  100 29 13 15 9 6 4 7 4 13
Two or more-familiy households  100 25 12 14 9 7 5 8 5 15
Number of households 2 093 483  628 609  259 637  309 662  188 504  128 384 92 581  152 115 87 936  246 055
1  Students not included.

Explanation of symbols