Statistics Norway

Health, satellite accounts

4 Total current expenditure on health by function, distributed by source of funding. 2003. Per cent
NOK million
Central government Local government Social security fund Privat sector
Total expenditure on health  159 574 40.3 28.3 15.1 16.3
HC.1 Service of curative care 73 622 66.8 8.1 10.6 14.6
HC.1.1 In-patient curative care 38 575 98.2 0.0 1.5 0.3
HC.1.2 Day cases of curative care 5 749 98.5 0.0 0.3 1.2
HC.1.3-1.4 Out-patient curative care 29 298 19.2 20.3 24.5 36.0
HC.2 Services of rehabilitative care 2 106 75.7 0.0 18.0 6.2
HC.3 Service og long term nursing care 37 829 0.0 88.0 0.0 12.0
HC.3.1 In-patient long-term nursing care 25 060 0.0 83.5 0.0 16.5
HC.3.3 Long-term nursing care: home care 12 769 0.0 97.0 0.0 3.0
HC.4 Ancillary services to health care 9 491 65.9 0.0 28.0 6.1
HC.4.1 Clinical laboratory and diagnostic imaging 5 657 79.3 0.0 11.4 9.3
HC.4.3 Patient transport and emergency rescue 3 834 46.1 0.0 52.5 1.4
HC.5 Medical goods dispensed to out-patients 22 000 0.0 0.0 60.3 39.7
HC.5.1 Pharmaceuticals and other medical non-durables 14 748 0.0 0.0 58.8 41.2
HC.5.2 Therapeutic appliances and medical equipment (durables) 7 252 0.0 0.0 63.3 36.7
HC.6 Prevention and public health services 3 077 25.8 59.9 0.0 14.2
HC.7 Health administration and health insurance 1 187 99.9 0.0 0.0 0.1
Total current expenditure on health  149 312 39.5 27.5 16.1 16.8
HC R.1 Capital formation of health care provider institutions 10 262 52.0 39.6 0.0 8.4

Explanation of symbols