Statistics Norway

Health, satellite accounts

2   Current expenditure on health, by function of care. 1997-2006. NOK million
  1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 20051 20061
Total expenditure on health 94 008  105 500  115 711  124 728  135 266  150 029  159 572  168 237  176 031  186 393
HC 1.1 In-patient curative care 25 231 28 508 30 020 32 193 34 031 37 447 38 575 39 297 247 628 250 639
HC 1.2 Day cases of curative care 2 135 2 461 2 909 3 089 4 270 4 989 5 749 5 805    
HC 1.3-1.4 Out-patient curative care 18 904 19 964 21 628 22 665 24 372 26 936 29 297 31 078 32 553 34 740
HC 2 Services of rehabilitative care 1 417 1 503 1 556 1 638 1 854 2 043 2 106 2 354 2 632 2 782
HC 3.1 In-patient long-term nursing care 13 781 15 609 17 544 19 560 21 077 23 447 25 060 26 408 27 623 29 640
HC 3.3 Long-term nursing care: home care 5 738 6 681 7 853 9 104 10 067 11 623 12 768 13 965 14 581 15 636
HC 4.1 Clinical laboratory and diagnostic imaging 3 265 3 584 3 925 4 129 4 613 4 961 5 657 6 082 6 610 7 003
HC 4.3 Patient transport and emergency rescue 2 232 2 416 2 529 2 747 2 979 3 443 3 834 4 356 4 571 4 769
HC 5 Medical goods dispensed to out-patients 13 123 14 574 15 608 17 655 18 796 21 311 22 000 23 480 23 758 24 434
HC 6-7 Prevention and health administration 2 547 2 720 3 192 3 453 3 429 4 300 4 263 4 455 4 663 4 968
Total current expenditure on health 88 373 98 021  106 766  116 232  125 488  140 501  149 310  157 281  164 620  174 612
HC R.1 Capital formation of health care provider institutions 5 635 7 480 8 945 8 496 9 778 9 528 10 262 10 956 11 411 11 780
1  Preliminary figures.
2  Not separated for the preliminary figures.

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