Insurance brokers

1   Insurance brokers. Profit and loss account. 1997-2001
  1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Operating income  432  474  546  653  827
Commisions  424  461  537  643  815
Other operating income 8 13 9 10 12
Operating expenses  389  445  490  579  695
Personell costs  235  265  294  343  407
Depreciation 14 21 29 38 41
Other opperating expenses  140  159  167  198  247
Operating profit 43 29 56 74  132
Interest/financial income 28 42 26 35 39
Interest/financial expenses 8 18 33 36 35
Profit/loss on ordinary activities 63 53 49 73  136
Ekstraordinary income 1 - 15 - -
Extraordinary expenses 4 8 10 7 10
Taxes 10 8 15 23 40
Profit/loss 50 37 39 43 85
Allocation and transferes 50 37 39 43 85
Dividends 35 13 18 42 44
Transfered{received group contribution 6 5 9 -2 22
Transfered to/from revaluation reserve1 .. .. 12 4 19
Other equity 9 19 - -1 0
1  As from 1999.

Explanation of symbols