28   Employed persons 16-74 years by sector and industrial division. 29 October-4 November 2002. Numbers. (New table was released 12 February 2003)
Industry division Total Central government Counties Municipalities Private sector and government enterprises
The whole country 2 275 000  143 395  119 269  403 148 1 609 188
01-05 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 85 194 17  401 2 055 82 721
10-45 Industrial activities  496 780 10 090 64 7 665  478 961
50-74 Domestic trade, hotels, restaurants, transport and communication, financial intermediation, real estate, business activities  861 860 11 892 72 2 264  847 632
75 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security  171 896 85 516 6 660 67 353 12 367
80 Education  175 358 25 912 29 909  104 320 15 217
85 Health and sosial services  383 305 7 266 81 725  206 219 88 095
90-99 Other social and personal activities. 86 365 2 688  365 13 244 70 068
Unspecified 14 242 14 73 28 14 127

Explanation of symbols