Population and Housing Census 2001

1   Population, by sex, age and type of household. 3 November 2001
Type of household Total Males Females
Total 0-19 years 20-29 years 30-69 years 70 years and older Total 0-19 years 20-29 years 30-69 years 70 years and older
Total 4 520 947   2 240 281    598 503    297 871   1 137 631    206 276  2 280 666    567 324    289 703   1 111 530    312 109
Private households 4 485 945 2 228 597  597 657  297 256 1 133 587  200 097 2 257 348  566 708  289 437 1 109 950  291 253
One-family households
Living alone   739 563   353 475  3 604  73 048   222 577  54 246   386 088  4 262  51 206   161 253   169 367
Couples1 without unmarried resident children  824 832  412 817  213 33 548  254 186  124 870  412 015 1 272 46 129  271 831 92 783
Couples1 with children (youngest child 0-5 years)  910 848  462 448  236 617 37 456  188 362 13  448 400  223 629 65 036  159 731 4
Couples1 with children (youngest child 6-17 years)  949 674  485 513  226 222 32 235  226 783  273  464 161  214 198 24 746  225 207 10
Mother/father with children (youngest child 0-17 years)  280 021  105 113 85 012 5 327 14 760 14  174 908 80 428 20 729 73 750 1
One-family households with adult children (youngest child 18 years and over)  573 761  306 416 22 163 95 129  176 604 12 520  267 345 19 535 61 120  170 979 15 711
Two or more-familiy households with and without chilldren  207 246  102 815 23 826 20 513 50 315 8 161  104 431 23 384 20 471 47 199 13 377
Other households 35 002 11 684  846  615 4 044 6 179 23 318  616  266 1 580 20 856
1  Married couples, cohabiting couples and registered partners.

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