
1   Quantity of catch, by the most important fish species. 1998-2002. 1000 tonnes live weight
  1998 1999 2000* 2001* 2002*
Total 2 861 2 630 2 701 2 686 2 731
Capelin 88 92  374  483  531
Greenland halibut 12 20 13 15 12
Tusk 21 23 22 19 18
Atlantic cod1  321  257  219  209  227
Ling 23 19 17 14 15
Haddock1 79 53 46 52 54
Saithe  194  198  170  169  201
Norway pout 28 51 53 27 26
Blue whiting  571  535  554  574  558
Catfish 16 6 6 14 6
Sandeel  344  188  119  187  176
Atlantic redfish 29 31 26 29 16
Angler 3 3 4 5 3
Horse mackerel 13 47 2 8 37
Herring  832  829  800  589  565
Sprat 35 22 6 12 3
Mackerel  158  161  174  181  184
Other fish species2 38 31 29 34 33
Deep water prawn 57 64 67 66 66
1  Included Norwegian catches on quotas purchased from Russia.
2  Included crustaceans and other molluscs.

Explanation of symbols