Special and research libraries

3   Special and research libraries. Visits, visitors, hours of opening and seats. 2000
  Total National libraries Libraries of universities1 Libraries of colleges and other schools of higher education Special libraries, public Special libraries, private
Number of libraries 357 2 77 109 136 33
Number of registered visits 4 814 685 124 503 2 593 123 1 990 085 84 176 22 798
Number of lenders 215 921 4 860 70 566 105 686 24 140 10 669
Weekly hours of opening 8 316 55 902 2 567 3 803 989
Hours of opening per year 387 256 2 643 40 019 118 363 180 177 46 054
Seats per 31 December 19 758 221 7 962 8 356 975 2 244
1  Figures include scientific colleges.
Source: National Office for Research and Special Libraries.

Explanation of symbols