Statistics Norway

Families and households

11   Persons in private households, by sex, cohabitation arrangements and age. 1 January 2007
Age Total Males Females
Total In couples Not in couples Total In couples Not in couples
Married1 Cohabitants Married1 Cohabitants
I alt 4 644 593 2 313 283  829 564  231 336 1 252 382 2 331 310  829 088  231 372 1 270 850
 0-5 years  347 887  177 619 . .  177 619  170 268 . .  170 268
 6-17 years  747 271  383 637 - 2  383 635  363 634 1 28  363 605
18-29 years  684 375  347 066 21 793 45 462  279 811  337 309 43 774 66 402  227 133
30-44 years 1 027 302  522 180  224 868  118 414  178 897  505 122  256 995  110 837  137 290
45-66 years 1 256 673  635 289  412 039 61 686  161 564  621 384  397 740 49 915  173 728
67-79 years  386 221  177 021  128 692 4 896 43 434  209 200  106 503 3 549 99 148
80 years and older  194 864 70 471 42 172  877 27 422  124 393 24 075  640 99 677
1  Registered partners included.

Explanation of symbols