Statistics Norway

Electricity statistics, annual

37   Balance sheet for enterprises in electricity supply1, by ownership group. 2001 and 2002. NOK million
  2001 2002
  Total Per cent Joint municipal plants County municipal plants Municipal plants Central government Private plants
        NOK million
Fixed assets  205 146        239 767 84 69 045 5 429 23 566 96 670 45 057
Shares and bonds 22 926 25 296 9 3 481 61  752 11 860 9 142
Long-term receivables 33 257 47 418 17 4 663  297 1 745 37 809 2 904
Plant under construction 1 490 2 123 1  577 .. 27 1 358  161
Dam construction etc. and waterfall rights 16 465 32 539 11 4 359  779 7 328 2 356 17 717
Power stations 73 121 77 386 27 32 524 2 854 8 926 30 121 2 961
Central- and regional grid systems 19 742 19 159 7 6 352  313  346 9 752 2 396
Retail grid systems 28 000 29 310 10 13 797  843 3 726 2 621 8 324
Telecommunication works 81  115 - 71 .. 20 3 21
District heating 10 24 - 6 .. 12 .. 5
Other fixed assets 10 054 6 398 2 3 217  283  683  790 1 425
Current assets 47 183 62 720 22 23 292 1 628 4 574 19 292 13 933
Cash, bank account, shares, bonds 23 309 20 222 7 7 166  739 1 834 4 158 6 325
Short-term receivables 23 429 42 087 15 15 997  836 2 656 15 092 7 506
Stock of goods  445  411 -  128 54 85 42  102
Long-term debt 93 839  115 634 40 32 439 2 680 7 527 57 221 15 768
Bearer bond liabilities 21 090 35 245 12 4 979  882  841 27 345 1 199
Other long-term liabilities 72 749 80 388 28 27 460 1 797 6 686 29 876 14 569
Short-term debt 38 818 49 312 17 17 896  776 2 701 17 401 10 538
Equity  119 829  121 598 42 42 004 3 602 17 912 41 396 16 685
Capital stock 54 677 53 521 19 14 393  538 5 120 31 123 2 347
Other equity 65 151 68 077 24 27 611 3 064 12 792 10 273 14 338
Total liabilities and equity  252 485  286 543  100 92 339 7 057 28 140  116 017 42 990
1  Industrial generators are not included.

Explanation of symbols