Statistics Norway

Marriages and divorces

14 Number of children1 involved in separations. Separations between persons with opposite sex. 1999-20112
Year Children, regardless of age Children under 18 years
1999 19 410 13 915
2000 20 917 15 397
2001 21 888 16 197
2002 21 979 16 209
2003 21 455 15 863
2004 21 634 15 919
2005 20 730 15 144
2006 19 210 13 747
2007 18 202 13 227
2008 18 225 13 365
2009 18 573 13 408
2010 18 246 13 172
2011 17 256 12 377
1  Total of common children by separation. Until 2000, information on the number of children was collected from separation notifications from the Central Population Register. From 2001 this information was collected from separate data on parents/children relations from the Central Population Register. For the period 2001-2007 common children who has died or emigrated before the separation are included.
2  Separations where the husband was resident in Norway.

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