Statistics Norway

Degrees from universities and colleges

3   Graduates1, by level, gender and type of college. Preliminary figures. 2003/2004.
  Total Tertiary education, short Tertiary education, long
  Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females
Total 31 424 12 340 19 084 23 826 8 287 15 539 7 598 4 053 3 545
Universities 9 769 4 804 4 965 3 515 1 517 1 998 6 254 3 287 2 967
State colleges 17 022 5 562 11 460 16 311 5 161 11 150  711  401  310
Military colleges  221  211 10  175  168 7 46 43 3
Other colleges2 4 412 1 763 2 649 3 825 1 441 2 384  587  322  265
1  Includes completed degree courses with a duration of 2 years or more. Doctorates are not included.
2  Includes Oslo University College of the Arts, Bergen University College of the Arts, National Police Academy and private colleges.

Explanation of symbols