Statistics Norway

Ownership and roles in business enterprise sector

3 Number of enterprises where shareholder has a role, type of role and number of shareholders in enterprise. 1 January 2011
Number of shareholders Total number of enterprises Number of enterprises where shareholder has a position Per cent of enterprises where shareholder has a position General manager Chairman of the board Board member Deputy chairman
Total  206 130  132 040 64.1 97 127  113 792 46 237 4 428
1  116 137 62 904 54.2 46 620 59 538 2 447  189
2 43 582 32 858 75.4 25 703 27 879 16 209 1 599
3-4 30 451 24 284 79.7 17 354 18 799 17 700 1 546
5-9 10 576 8 290 78.4 5 510 5 636 6 692  682
10-19 2 515 1 730 68.8  959  928 1 504  155
20-49 1 484  963 64.9  473  476  824 86
50-99  626  449 71.7  192  245  388 67
100  759  562 74.0  316  291  473  104

Explanation of symbols