Statistics Norway

Ownership and roles in business enterprise sector

5 Number of enterprises and shareholders, by shareholder type. 1st January 2010 (Corrected 01 November 2011 at 09.30)
Shareholder type Number of enterprises Per cent enterprises Number of shareholders Per cent shareholders
Total  203 051  100.0 1 565 762  100.0
Persons only  112 661 55.5  211 873 13.5
Enterprises only 60 418 29.8 89 616 5.7
Persons and enterprises 22 316 11.0  2161 451 210.3
Other1 7 656 3.8 21 102 822 270.4
1  This group consists of, among others, foreign shareholders and unknown shareholders from Register of Shareholders.
2  The figures was corrected 01 November 2011 at 09.30

Explanation of symbols