Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

3 Number of enterprises where shareholder has a role, type of role and number of shareholders in enterprise. 1st January 2008
Number of shareholders Total number of enterprises Number of enterprises where shareholder has a position Per cent of enterprises where shareholder has a position General manager Chairman of the board Board member Deputy chairman
Total  193 591  127 137 65.7 93 458  109 306 46 776 4 643
1  104 533 57 438 54.9 42 217 54 265 2 354  173
2 43 273 33 183 76.7 25 933 28 264 16 452 1 673
3-4 30 118 24 468 81.2 17 682 19 039 18 108 1 639
5-9 10 417 8 348 80.1 5 623 5 768 6 684  755
10-19 2 431 1 694 69.7  960  909 1 456  128
20-49 1 458  970 66.5  485  496  839 94
50-99  608  462 76.0  228  256  384 66
100  753  574 76.2  330  309  499  115

Explanation of symbols