Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

5 Number of enterprises where shareholder has a role, type of role and number of shareholders in enterprise. 1 January 2007
Number of shareholders Total number of enterprises Number of enterprises where shareholder has a position Per cent of enterprises where shareholder has a position General manager Chairman of the board Board member Deputy chairman
Total  180 405  120 887 67.0 88 574  103 846 46 018 4 520
1 94 826 52 668 55.5 38 417 49 692 2 243  165
2 41 305 32 250 78.1 25 191 27 535 16 044 1 602
3-4 29 203 24 083 82.5 17 437 18 885 17 931 1 598
5-9 10 120 8 251 81.5 5 547 5 725 6 682  730
10-19 2 337 1 690 72.3  972  929 1 461  133
20-49 1 355  952 70.3  474  515  802  103
50-99  573  428 74.7  209  249  368 78
100  686  565 82.4  327  316  487  111

Explanation of symbols