Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

5 Number of enterprises where shareholder has a role, type of role and number of shareholders in enterprise. 1st January 2006
Number of shareholders Total number of enterprises Number of enterprises where shareholder has a position Per cent of enterprises where shareholder has a position General manager Chairman of the board Board member Deputy chairman
Total  156 906  103 953 66.3 77 800 87 765 44 457 4 288
1 76 257 38 439 50.4 29 258 35 780 2 064  136
2 38 394 30 480 79.4 24 002 25 939 15 281 1 441
3-4 27 809 23 285 83.7 17 048 18 350 17 341 1 576
5-9 9 691 8 086 83.4 5 495 5 595 6 603  706
10-19 2 248 1 705 75.8  987  981 1 491  143
20-49 1 314  974 74.1  474  542  822 98
50-99  516  409 79.3  198  236  355 66
100+  677  575 84.9  338  342  500  122

Explanation of symbols