Statistics Norway

Causes of death

3 Some quality indicators for the Cause of Death registry. 2001-2011
Some quality indicators for the Cause of Death registry. 2001-2010 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Total number of distributed forms for additional information  846  804  900 1 313  720  823  770  801  937 1 060 1 049
Number of received forms  603  546  668  945  532  553  532  582  709  778  739
Non-responses, number of  243  258  232  368  188  270  238  219  228  282  310
Autopsies 3 659 3 938 3 918 3 754 3 417 3 108 3 115 3 264 3 080 3 029 3 082
Hospital Autopsies 1 953 2 240 2 292 2 156 1 820 1 565 1 540 1 652 1 481 1 432 1 453
Forensic autopsies 1 706 1 698 1 626 1 598 1 597 1 543 1 575 1 612 1 599 1 597 1 629
Deaths without received death certificate  440  565  583  528  442  443  561  653  675  730  768
Of these: Dead abroad  250  253  256  251  294  296  338  336  303  385  406

Explanation of symbols