Statistics Norway

National child welfare and family counselling

1   Key figures national child welfare. Preliminary figures for 20061
  Region North Region Middle Region West Region South Region East Oslo Trondheim
Distribution of expenditures              
Gross operating expenditures per capita, child welfare 1 051  708 1 266  872  908  713  781
Gross operating expenditures, child welfare, per inhabitant 0-19 years 4 012 2 645 4 561 3 374 3 484 3 240 3 131
Percentage of gross operating expenditures, children in national supported foster homes 16.6 12.8 17.1 23.7 23.0 10.0 7.7
Percentage of gross operating expenditures, children in children's institutions 71.4 67.3 69.2 60.8 61.5 75.4 84.5
Percentage of gross operating expenditures, assistance to children living at home 2.5 6.8 7.4 4.6 7.3 0.3 0.0
Percentage of gross operating expenditures, child welfare services 9.5 13.1 6.3 11.0 8.2 14.3 7.7
Number of children who receive assistance from the Child Welfare Service, per 1 000 inhabitant 0-19 years 3.0 2.7 4.7 3.3 4.1 5.4 6.1
Children who receive assistance from the Child Welfare Service per 31 December by man-year in the Child Welfare Service 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.7 3.3
Gross operating expenditures per child who receives assistance from the Child Welfare Service during the year  521 271  436 610  444 895  411 067  389 818  284 886  261 605
Gross operating expenditures per child in children's institutions during the year  839 630  836 157  832 350  565 705  623 035  410 169  485 382
Gross operating expenditures per child receiving assistance while living at home during the year 49 073 79 067 95 108 97 154  107 050 8 263 0
Gross operating expenditures per child in national supported foster homes during the year  295 410  203 534  267 717  266 475  255 988 75 173 65 711
1  Figures for 2006 are preliminary. Accounting figures for Oslo and Trondheim is not directly comparable with the regions. For further information about the figures please read About the statistics.

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