Statistics Norway

Child welfare

5 Children under protection during the year, by age and type of assistance. 2007
Type of assistance Total1 Age
-2 3-5 6-12 13-17 18-22 Unknown
20072 42 626 2 618 5 325 15 975 14 301 4 346 61
Kindergarten 5 322  966 3 204 1 152 0 0 0
Person selected to support child 4 530 61  190 1 929 1 956  389 5
Visit home/relief support 10 789  492 1 514 5 443 2 995  342 3
Home adviser/relief at home 2 690  297  421 1 086  739  146 1
After school support 4 567 0 0 4 567 0 0 0
Leisure activity 4 381 34  135 1 913 1 958  340 1
Supervision 4 856  308  536 1 939 1 728  345 0
Economic assistance 12 369  573 1 104 4 067 4 645 1 955 25
Education/work  576 0 0 0  309  262 5
Medical examination and treatment  560 36 35  140  245  100 4
Treatment of children with special educational needs  146 4 8 57 55 22 0
Centre for parents and children  452  216 92 91 44 8 1
Own housing 1 164 0 0 0  185  965 14
Housing with support  291 0 0 0 77  214 0
Emergency shelter home 1 426  249  173  434  524 46 0
Foster home outside the family 4 374  162  327 1 467 1 652  748 18
Foster home within the family 1 788 75  133  606  739  234 1
Reinforced foster home outside the family 2 931  133  283 1 088 1 134  293 0
Reinforced foster home within the family  457 29 36  160  197 35 0
Child welfare institution 2 434 32 33  235 1 578  556 0
Other treatment's institutions  391 0 2 8  205  175 1
Out-patient psychiatric treatment  527 0 47  197  228 53 2
Multisystemic treatment  767 0 0 47  662 58 0
Parent Management Training Oregon  688 13 95  459  119 2 0
Other home-based treatment  679 46 59  237  284 53 0
Participation in a support group  823 60  127  321  276 39 0
Advice and guidance 3 148  255  433 1 206 1 052  201 1
Other assistance 19 857 1 232 2 196 7 197 7 314 1 900 18
1  Including children with unknown age.
2  Each child may have several types of assistance. Hence, the sum of types of assistance is larger than the number of child who have received assistance.

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