Statistics Norway

Waste, construction and demolition

1 Generated waste amounts from construction, rehabilitation and demolition of buildings. 2011. Tonnes
  Total Construction Rehabilitation Demolition
Total 1 598 990  527 480  559 001  512 509
Waste types        
Wood  228 345 94 478 80 911 52 957
Paper and cardboard 22 160 11 636 8 939 1 584
Plastic 4 318 2 629 1 637 51
Glass 7 885 2 145 4 673 1 067
Metals 72 843 18 453 35 274 19 116
Gypsym 57 835 30 155 25 724 1 956
EEE waste 8 990 1 956 5 492 1 542
Hazardous waste 27 303 8 494 9 330 9 478
Bricks and concrete and other heavy building materials  636 661 86 325  199 683  350 653
Polluted bricks and concrete 20 257 - 6 426 13 831
Other waste 21 402 4 306 14 313 2 783
Mixed waste  285 680  112 780  132 009 40 891
Asphalt  205 312  154 123 34 589 16 599

Explanation of symbols