Statistics Norway

Inheritance tax statistics

2   Number of recipients of taxable inheritance1 and gifts according to size of respectively inheritance and gifts. Possession date2. The whole country. 2004-2005
  2004 2005
  Inheritance Gifts Inheritance Gifts
Total 16 394 7 797 17 856 11 807
0-250 0003 1 706 1 088 2 037 1 831
250 001-550 000 6 933 2 957 7 030 4 252
550 001-800 000 3 502 1 803 3 667 2 494
800 001-999 999 1 417  671 1 582  923
1 000 000-1 999 999 2 248 1 046 2 725 1 722
2 000 000 and more  588  232  815  585
1  Only include taxable amounts in estates that are privatly administrated.
2  Inheritances and gifts are registered during the year where the right of possession sets in, i.e. time of death of donor (longest living donor in unsettled estates) or when gift is given.
3  Amounts under NOK 250 000 which are taxable because of earlier recieved gifts from the same donor. This years inheritance/gifts and earlier gifts will therefore exceed the tax-free amount.

Explanation of symbols