Wage statistics. Labour costs

5   Average labour costs per full-time equivalent employee in electricity supply 1, 3, by group. 2000. Kroner
Group Electricity supply
Number of full-time equivalent employees covered by the survey 2 480
Total labour costs 415 208
¬Direct costs 327 988
¬¬Of which:  
¬¬Payments for days not worked2 11 595
¬Indirect costs 87 220
¬¬Of which:  
¬¬Salaries in kind 12 085
¬¬Safety and health 1 698
¬¬Employers' social contributions 24 512
¬¬Training costs 13 073
¬¬Taxes deducted subsidies 35 853
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  Excluding holiday pay and payment for public holidays.
3  Enterprises that are members of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities are not included in the statistics.

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