4    Employed persons attending courses etc. by sex and industry. 2nd quarter 2005. 1 000 and per cent.

Industry 1 000 Per cent
00-99 TOTAL 328 14,4
01-05 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 6 7,9
10-14 Oil extraction, mining and quarrying 7 20,6
15-37 Manufacturing 29 11,0
40-45 Electricity, gas, water supply and construction 19 10,9
50-55 Domestic, hotels, restaurants 42 9,9
60-64 Transport and communication 14 9,2
65-67 Financial, intermediation 12 24,0
70-74 Real estate, business activities 32 13,9
75-99 Other services 167 18,9
    75 Public adm. and defence 29 21,8
    80 Education 36 18,6
    85 Health and social work 87 19,2
90-99 Other service activities 15 14,7
MALES 162 13,4
01-05 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 5 7,8
10-14 Oil extraction, mining and quarrying 6 21,0
15-37 Manufacturing 20 10,5
40-45 Electricity, gas, water supply and construction 17 10,7
50-55 Domestic, hotels, restaurants 25 11,8
60-64 Transport and communication 12 10,1
65-67 Financial, intermediation 7 26,8
70-74 Real estate, business activities 20 13,7
75-99 Other services 50 18,9
    75 Public adm. and defence 15 20,7
    80 Education 12 18,3
    85 Health and social work 16 20,0
90-99 Other service activities 6 14,5
FEMALES 166 15,4
01-05 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1 8,4
10-14 Oil extraction, mining and quarrying 1 18,6
15-37 Manufacturing 8 12,6
40-45 Electricity, gas, water supply and construction 2 13,7
50-55 Domestic, hotels, restaurants 17 8,0
60-64 Transport and communication 3 6,7
65-67 Financial, intermediation 5 20,8
70-74 Real estate, business activities 12 14,4
75-99 Other services 117 19,0
    75 Public adm. and defence 14 23,2
    80 Education 24 18,8
    85 Health and social work 71 19,0
90-99 Other service activities 9 14,8