2013 | Change the last 5 years | |
Members of the Church of Norway | 3 843 721 | -5 120 |
Members of the Church of Norway as a percentage of inhabitants | 75.2 | -4.0 |
Baptized | 36 572 | -5 357 |
Baptized as a percentage of births | 62.0 | -5.8 |
Confirmed | 40 054 | -1 831 |
Confirmed as a percentage of persons 15-years old | 63.6 | -2.3 |
Church burials | 37 243 | -1 047 |
Church burials as a percentage of all deaths | 90.2 | -2.2 |
Church weddings | 8 221 | -1 788 |
Church services | 64 048 | -2 755 |
Participants in church services total | 5 952 894 | -271 530 |
Participants per church service | 92.9 | -0.2 |