valgkamp, Election campaign contribution, election campaign, economic finance contribution, political partiesGeneral elections, Municipal council and county council elections, Funding of political parties, Elections

Election campaign contribution


Next update

Not yet determined

Key figures


million NOK in election campaign contributions

Contributions in year of election by political party. 2019. NOK
 Total contriutions
All parties59 619 353
Christian Democratic Party2 179 800
Liberaly Party3 162 746
Socialist Left Party5 658 869
Labour Party21 898 451
Progress Party4 980 798
Conservative Party15 332 937
Center Party2 586 834
The Red Party Of Norway1 025 921
The Democratic Party50 000
The Pensioners' Party45 000
Norwegian Green Party1 711 997
The Christians815 000
The Alliance31 000
Capitalist Party140 000

See selected tables from this statistics

Table 1 
Contributions in year of election by political party and sort of donor. 2019. NOK

Contributions in year of election by political party and sort of donor. 2019. NOK
 Total contriutionsPrivate donorsEmployers' and labour organisationsCommercial enterprisesOther donors
All parties59 619 3536 618 00323 694 44517 175 10212 131 803
Christian Democratic Party2 179 80049 800-1 050 0001 080 000
Liberaly Party3 162 746224 346-2 437 500500 900
Socialist Left Party5 658 8691 648 4063 353 62515 131641 707
Labour Party21 898 451858 77417 623 57090 0003 326 107
Progress Party4 980 798523 59825 0001 445 0002 987 200
Conservative Party15 332 937725 000-11 397 9373 210 000
Center Party2 586 83425 0002 517 62544 209-
The Red Party Of Norway1 025 921793 796174 625-57 500
The Democratic Party50 000--50 000-
The Pensioners' Party45 000---45 000
Norwegian Green Party1 711 9971 233 283-195 325283 389
The Christians815 000365 000-450 000-
The Alliance31 00031 000---
Capitalist Party140 000140 000---

Table 2 
Contributions in election year by political party, party organisation and sord of donor. 2019. NOK

Contributions in election year by political party, party organisation and sord of donor. 2019. NOK
 Total contriutionsPrivate donorsEmployers' and labour organisationsCommercial enterprisesOther donors
All parties59 619 3536 618 00323 694 44517 175 10212 131 803
Christian Democratic Party, total2 179 80049 800-1 050 0001 080 000
Christian Democratic Party1 000 000--1 000 000-
Rogaland Christian Democratic Party400 000---400 000
Stavanger Christian Democratic Party200 000---200 000
Hordaland Christian Democratic Party40 000---40 000
Christian Democratic Party Møre and Romsdal115 000---115 000
Christian Democratic Party Nordland35 00035 000---
Bodø Christian Democratic Party25 000---25 000
Harstad Christian Democratic Party14 80014 800---
Agder Christian Democratic Party300 000---300 000
Kristiansand Christian Democratic Party50 000--50 000-
Liberaly Part, total3 162 746224 346-2 437 500500 900
Hurdal Liberal Party10 000---10 000
Oslo Liberal Party1 125 160210 160-915 000-
Arendal Liberal Party22 500--22 500-
Rogaland Liberal Party500 000--150 000350 000
Viken Liberal Party1 200 000--1 200 000-
Drammen Liberal Party115 000---115 000
Lillestrøm Liberal Party25 900---25 900
Agder Liberal Party75 000--75 000-
Kristiansand Liberal Party39 18614 186-25 000-
Liberal Youth Oslo50 000--50 000-
Socialist Left Party, total5 658 8691 648 4063 353 62515 131641 707
Socialist Left Party3 944 394776 3943 168 000--
Oslo Socialist Left Party435 927420 796-15 131-
Time Socialist Left Party12 35012 350---
Stavanger Socialist Left Party65 62550 00015 625--
Bergen Socialist Left Party158 730158 730---
Molde Socialist Left Party20 00020 000---
Viken Socialist Left Party12 00012 000---
Vestfold and Telemark Socialist Left Party164 08014 080--150 000
Agder Socialist Left Party58 00033 00025 000--
Vestland Socialist Left Party40 12415 12425 000--
Trøndelag Socialist Left Party29 79229 792---
Trondheim Socialist Left Party26 70026 700---
Socialist Left Party Youth Organisation667 26179 440120 000-467 821
Vestfold Socialiste Left Party Youth Organisation23 886---23 886
Labour Party, total21 898 451858 77417 623 57090 0003 326 107
Labour Party15 730 000-15 730 000--
Akershus Labour Party550 000-550 000--
Oslo Labour Party1 418 806196 074649 945-572 787
Grue Labour Party20 00020 000---
Krødsherad Labour Party13 000-13 000--
Flesberg Labour Party15 000-15 000--
Porsgrunn Labour Party50 000---50 000
Rogaland Labour Party60 000-60 000--
Haugesund Labour Party30 00030 000---
Stavanger Labour Party428 32512 70015 625-400 000
Bergen Labour Party600 000600 000---
Bodø Labour Party50 000--50 000-
Narvik Labour Party15 000-15 000--
Brønnøy Labour Party20 000-20 000--
Vefsn Labour Party20 000-20 000--
Rana Labour Party65 000-20 00015 00030 000
Agder Labour Party60 000-60 000--
Kristiansand Labour Party25 000--25 000-
Vestland Labour Party25 000-25 000--
Sunnfjord Labour Party20 000-20 000--
Namsos Labour Party120 000---120 000
Oppdal Labour Party10 000-10 000--
Stjørdal Labour Party51 000---51 000
Labour Party Youths' Organisation2 266 252-350 000-1 916 252
Labour Party Youths' Organisation i Østfold61 499---61 499
Labour Party Youths' Organisation in Akershus107 369---107 369
Labour Party Youths' Organisation at Agder17 200---17 200
Labour Party Youths' Organisation in Vestland50 000-50 000--
Progress Party, total4 980 798523 59825 0001 445 0002 987 200
Progress Party1 200 000--1 200 000-
Rogaland Progress Party850 000---850 000
Sandnes Progress Party25 00025 000---
Klepp Progress Party25 00025 000---
Sola Progress Party299 001299 001---
Bergen Progress Party11 00011 000---
Møre Og Romsdal Progress Party60 000--60 000-
Molde Progress Party20 00020 000---
Nordland Progress Party70 00050 000-20 000-
Saltdal Progress Party120 000--120 000-
Alta Progress Party25 000--25 000-
Progress Party Vestfold and Telemark300 000---300 000
Kristiansand Progress Party25 000-25 000--
Vestland Progress Party1 500 000---1 500 000
Bjørnafjorden Progress Party101 16081 160-20 000-
Trøndelag Progress Party20 000---20 000
Troms and Finnmark Progress Party300 000---300 000
Progressive Party Youth Organisation Agder29 63712 437--17 200
Conservative Party, total15 332 937725 000-11 397 9373 210 000
Conservative Party8 220 000295 000-7 925 000-
Våler Conservative Party i Østfold33 000--33 000-
Vestby Conservative Party12 750--12 750-
Frogn Conservative Party23 187--23 187-
Bærum Conservative Party25 00025 000---
Oslo Conservative Party1 125 00030 000-1 095 000-
Gjøvik Conservative Party30 000--30 000-
Drammen Conservative Party95 000--95 000-
Tinn Conservative Party10 000---10 000
Rogaland Conservative Party1 000 000---1 000 000
Haugesund Conservative Party45 000--45 000-
Sola Conservative Party20 00020 000---
Stavanger Conservative Party2 015 000--15 0002 000 000
Møre and Romsdal Conservative Party30 000--30 000-
Nye Molde Conservative Party15 000--15 000-
Ålesund Conservative Party45 000--45 000-
Herøy Conservative Party30 000--30 000-
Aukra Conservative Party15 00015 000---
Bodø Conservative Party170 000--170 000-
Hadsel Conservative Party50 00050 000---
Sortland Conservative Party25 000--25 000-
Vadsø Conservative Party50 000--50 000-
Viken Conservative Party50 000--50 000-
Moss Conservative Party25 000--25 000-
Innlandet Conservative Party15 00015 000---
Vestold and Telemark Conservative Party200 000---200 000
Agder Conservative Party460 000--460 000-
Lindesnes Conservative Party20 000--20 000-
Vestland Conservative Party1 430 000250 000-1 180 000-
Trondheim Conservative Party25 00025 000---
Conservative Party Youth Rogaland24 000--24 000-
Center Party, total2 586 83425 0002 517 62544 209-
Center Party2 502 000-2 502 000--
Froland Center Party19 209--19 209-
Stavanger Center Party15 625-15 625--
Midt-Telemark Center Party25 000--25 000-
Center Party Steinkjer25 00025 000---
The Red Party of Norway, total1 025 921793 796174 625-57 500
The Red Party of Norway819 358719 358100 000--
The Red Party of Norway Oslo116 57544 07515 000-57 500
The Red Party of Norway Lillehammer30 36330 363---
The Red Pary of Norway Tønsberg15 000-15 000--
The Red Pary of Norway Færder10 000-10 000--
The Red Pary of Norway Bamble19 000-19 000--
The Red Pary of Norway Stavanger15 625-15 625--
The Democratic party, total50 000--50 000-
The Democratic party, Kristiansand50 000--50 000-
The Pensioners' Party, total45 000---45 000
The Pensioners' Party Orkland45 000---45 000
Norwegian Green Party, total1 711 9971 233 283-195 325283 389
Norwegian Green Party961 649883 149-78 500-
Norwegian Green Party Bærum34 68234 682---
Norwegian Green Party Nittedal35 62535 625---
Norwegian Green Party Oslo340 902255 827-85 075-
Norwegian Green Party Bergen31 75013 000-18 750-
Norwegian Green Party Os13 000--13 000-
Norwegian Green Party Kristiansand11 00011 000---
Green Youth283 389---283 389
The Christians, total815 000365 000-450 000-
Partiet De Kristne700 000300 000-400 000-
The Christians Oslo20 00020 000---
The Christians Hordland23 00023 000---
The Chirstians Bergen22 00022 000---
The Christians Møre and Romsdal50 000--50 000-
The Alliance, total31 00031 000---
The Alliance31 00031 000---
Capitalist Party, Total140 000140 000---
Capitalist Party90 00090 000---
Caitalist Party In Oslo50 00050 000---

About the statistics

Contributions that have been received by the political parties during election years up to the last Friday before the elections are shown, i.e. donations exceeding NOK 10 000 given by any donors except governmental contributors and other entities within the parties.


Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Registered political party: A political party that is registered in the Party register at the Brønnøysund Register Centre.

Election campaign contribution means reported contribution of more than NOK 10 000 received during the period from 1 January up to and including the last Friday before election day in election years.

A contribution is defined as a donation of money and/or the value of goods, services and other equivalent services received without compensation or at a reduced price. This does not include any kind of voluntary work (Party Act § 19 (3)). Transfers received from other parts of the party’s own organisation, public authorities and governmental organisations are excluded.

Contributions from private donors: All contributions donated by private donors.

Contributions from employers’ and labour organisations: All contributions donated by such organisations.

Contributions from commercial enterprises: All contributions donated by commercial enterprises.

Contributions from others: All contributions donated by associations, non-profit and/or non-governmental organisations, foundations, institutions or any other donors. Contributions from political organisations that are not included in the Party Act are also included here

Contributions from others (2013 publication): All election campaign contributions donated by commercial enterprises, associations, non-profit and/or non-governmental organisations, foundations, institutions or any other donors. (In StatBank, contributions “from commercial enterprises” and “from others” are shown separately for both years, however not in the article for 2013).

Standard classifications

Not relevant

Administrative information

Name and topic

Name: Election campaign contribution
Topic: Elections

Responsible division

Division for Population Statistics

Regional level

Country, counties, municipalities

Frequency and timeliness

Every two years in connection with parliamentary and municipal elections

International reporting

Not relevant


Collected data are stored at Statistics Norway. Reported contributions are published on http://www.partifinansiering.no/a/


Background and purpose

This publication is based on the election campaign contributions’ reports 2013 and later election years from the registered parties. The Political Parties Act was revised on 1 February 2013, with a requirement for all political organisations to report election campaign contributions (see definition) in election years to a central register. All organisational levels of the registered political parties are obliged to report the contributions exceeding NOK 10 000 received within four weeks and not later than the last Friday before the Election Day.

Users and applications

The statistics have a wide spectrum of users and applications, such as the mass media, research institutions, educational establishments, political parties and individuals.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

Political parties' financing

Legal authority

Political Parties Act §§ 18, 19 and Statistics Act §§ 2-1, 2-2

EEA reference

Not relevant



The data collection includes all organisational levels of the registered political parties in Norway, i.e. central level, county level, municipal level and the youth organisations at central and county level. The unit in the statistics is political parties.

Data sources and sampling

The source for the statistics is the Party finance register, which was established in accordance with the Political Parties Act. In accordance with the Political Parties Act § 18 (4), the register includes i.a. a summary of all donors and contributions exceeding NOK 10 000 that units of the parties have received during election years. The register also contains income statements from all registered parties at the different levels (for the period 2005-2013) and full annual accounts (from 2014) from those units which have had annual income of NOK 12 000 or more excluding government subsidy (previous to 2013 the limit was NOK 10 000). Further it includes a summary of all donors that have contributed during the fiscal year with money or gifts exceeding NOK 12 000 to parties at municipal level, NOK 23 000 to parties at county level and NOK 35 000 to parties at central level, limits refer to the fiscal year 2013 and later). Correspondingly, the register also includes any donors with whom the party has entered formal political or commercial arrangements and contributions which have been credited to organisations under the supervision of a political party unit. (cf. Political Party Act § 20.)

Total count.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

All reported contributions, including the NOK 10 000 donations are published on an ongoing basis at http://www.partifinansiering.no/ under the heading “Valgkampbidrag/Election campaign contribution” without regard to the time of reporting within or after the deadline.

Neither the registrar nor Statistics Norway, as the producer of the statistics, carries out any editing of the data. Thus the allocation of donations to the different groups of donors is according to the political party units themselves.

The statistical information is a calculation of the contributions reported from units at the various organisational levels to the degree these units are comprised by the Political Parties Act.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant.

Comparability over time and space

The first year of publishing was 2013 for contributions of the same year.

For the election year of 2013 the time period for the data collection refers to 1 March to 6 September 2013. From 2015 and subsequent election years, all contributions received from January 1 to the last Friday before the election date are included in the statistics.

As from the election year 2015, Statistics Norway has included only contributions exceeding NOK 10 000 in the statistics according to the definition by the acts § 18 (4). In 2013 a total of 35 donations of NOK 10 000 were reported and included in the statistics.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The data is reported by the parties to the central register on forms submitted electronically through Altinn (the Norwegian electronic public reporting portal). All organisational levels of political parties shall at their own initiative report contributions received. The uncertainty of the data is connected to the following situation:

  • Some contributions may have been reported after the last Friday before the election. The data extraction on which the statistics are based can include all, just some or none of these donations.
  • It is uncertain to which degree the political organisations have reported according to the law. Statistics Norway has no basis for estimating the extent of “non-reported” contributions.



Not relevant
