Variable definitions

Assistance in the home

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  Norwegian (bokmål)
Name Assistance in the home
Definition Assistance in the home is provided for under Section 4-4 of the Child Welfare Services Act (in both Section 18 preventive measures and Section 51 after-care measures applied in the old Child Welfare Act). Assistance in the home can consist of economic assistance, kindergarten, after-school care, person selected to support child, supervision, visit home/respite home, home advisor, respite institution, parent/child places (home for mothers), outpatient treatment in psychiatric institution for children, housing etc. Under the new Child Welfare Act of 1993, children can be taken out of the home and placed, for example, in foster care without a formal decision to place the child in care. Such a placement under Section 4-4, fifth paragraph, will then be classified as assistance, not as care.
Valid from 2002-01-01
Valid to
Owner 350 - Division for social welfare statistics
Statistical unit Person
Subject 03.03.10 - Child welfare
Statistics Child welfare

2010 © Statistics Norway